I've always worked in very small offices, and the only times I worked somewhere with more than 20 employees were in retail/warehouse settings. The beauty of this large corporation is that they apparently have decided they want to find a place for me, and there are enough spots that we all can keep trying until a perfect fit is found. I've always been against working somewhere with 10,000+ (15,000+?) employees, but since it's 'best place to work' somehow it seems okay.
My 'in' at the company warned me about a ridiculously long recruitment period. As of now it's pushing four months. Thank goodness for the serenity that my sun salutations grant me!
p.s. I have a sneaking suspicion you've all figured out what 'best place to work' actually is...
They own this publishing tool...
I'll confirm/deny that when/if I get the job...
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