Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An update on it all...

People who know me know that when things get bad, I get silent. So, since I haven't talked to my mom in days or blogged, that means that things aren't going all that swimmingly.

After coming down from my phone interview high on Friday, I became skeptical. The last time this woman got my hopes up, she called me while I was walking to an in-person interview in San Francisco to tell me that she had offered the position to the first interviewee. Apparently the girl is wonderful. I'm happy for them, but justifiably skeptical this time around.

Turns out I was right to be skeptical: between Saturday and this morning, the job has been posted in several different areas. Apparently I didn't quite 'fit the bill' as much as I felt that I had, and they've continued the search. Bummer!

It was a research and stewardship position at a ballet company. Ballet experience: 20 years. Arts administration experience: probably around 4 by now. Research and stewardship is essentially what I do right now at the PR firm: for our president I research prospective media outlets, VIP's for event attendance, etc. and help to make suggestions for pitches for features/partnerships. However, the woman at the ballet company seemed to be bothered by the fact that all of this experience wasn't completely correlated.

Oh well, this isn't to say that I heard a resounding 'no.' But it's always disconcerting to be able to tell that you disappointed someone when you were trying your best (I've found that one of the big realizations of growing up is that often your best is simply not enough).

I'll survive, though; 'best place to work' is due to call with an update soon. The last thing I heard was "we all know you will be a great fit, the stars just need to align for you". I need to be excited for this, and remember that I am moving to my dream city! I was scolded last night by Nick for forgetting that life and love come first, and I have been forgetting the great changes about to come in those spheres in favor of dwelling upon career issues which just require patience, perseverance, and time.

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